How much time should a dog be walked, and why is walking your dog important?

Dogs need exercise to stay in shape, both physically and mentally. Big or small, puppy or senior, your dog needs daily physical activity. But how many times you should walk your dog each day depends on their particular needs. If you’ve ever wondered “how often should I walk my dog?”, we’ve got you covered.

How much time should a dog be walked?

Why is walking your dog important?

A picure of a porson walking a dog.

How much time should a dog be walked?

You may be wondering if your dog really needs more than one walk per day, or if a quick potty romp around the yard will suffice. Of course, it depends on your dog. But in general, dogs like longer walks because it gives them a chance to explore the world. Longer walks also keep your dog mentally healthy. Without enough exercise to stimulate their mind, some dogs become anxious or destructive.

When deciding how often to walk your dog, consider their age, activity level, health, and breed. Younger dogs with more energy benefit need more frequent walks. On the other hand, senior dogs with mobility issues do fine with fewer walks.

These higher-energy dog breeds may benefit from more frequent walks:

  • Terriers

  • Border collies and other herding breeds

  • Australian shepherds

  • Labrador and golden retrievers

  • On the other hand, these less-active dog breeds may be fine with just one or two shorter walks per day:

  • Great Danes

  • Newfoundlands

  • Mastiffs

  • Greyhound

  • Bulldogs

  • Of course, young dogs of any breed typically need more activity than seniors. And dogs with injuries or illnesses may have limited stamina for walks. Consult your veterinarian to establish an appropriate exercise plan for your dog.

    In general, most dogs benefit from between 30 minutes to two hours of physical activity per day (source). That averages out to 3.5 to 14 hours of walking per week. Many people break that time up into two or three walks per day. But the specific quantity and duration of walks may vary from dog to dog.

    Why is walking your dog important?

    Walking your dog keeps them healthy in several ways:

  • Weight control. Regular exercise helps your dog burn extra calories and maintain a healthy weight.

  • Joint health. Have you ever had stiff legs after sitting for a long time? Your dog’s joints are similar; keeping them in motion helps their joints stay in good shape.

  • Digestive/urinary health. We all know what happens when dogs take walks: they poop! Regular walks keep them regular. And peeing around the neighborhood isn’t just good for their health; it’s also part of how dogs communicate by smell.

  • Notice anything about the above benefits of dog walks? They don’t only benefit your dog! Regular dog walks can improve your health, too, including help you lose weight.